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For VIPs Only
I’m excited to lead you in a live, virtual Activate Your JOY Playshop very soon where you will:
- Distinguish the difference between happiness and joy
- Feel the difference in your body
- Learn Dolphin’s definition and teaching about Joy
- Activate the Frequency of JOY magic circle and embody Joy
- Receive the Frequency of JOY (FOJ) Magic Circle PDF and the script to the FOJ Field Play process we’ll do together
The Frequency of Joy Magic Circle
You’ll receive an e-mail very soon with the date and details to join us for this Activate Your JOY playshop.
I can’t wait to see you there!
Love & Blessings,

Your Dolphin Energy Summit Gifts
Gift One
Spirit Dolphins — We’re Here to Help e-Book
The Dolphin Spirit eBook will inspire you with ideas and possibilities about how the wise, vast, loving Dolphin Consciousness can help you create a more loving, peaceful, connected, and joyful life wherever you live on Earth.
It’s not necessary to be with dolphins physically to receive their gifts.

Gift Two
Opening to Dolphin Energy Meditation
In the Opening to Dolphin Energy meditation, you’ll meet your personal Dolphin Spirit guide. Having a Dolphin Spirit guide makes the Dolphin connection more accessible, intimate, and personal.
I hope these gifts support you in deepening and expanding your relationship with these magnificent angels of the sea.
They love you so much, and it is their greatest joy to be in service to you.