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“Dolphin Love… From Sea to Land”

by Linda Shay

My Inter-Dimensional Journey to my Heart,
with the Dolphins by My Side

A True Story of Dolphin Consciousness,
Dolphin Energy Healing and Joy


This journey into the world of human–dolphin relations demonstrates that dolphins can be a path to spiritual awakening. It’s time to dive in!

— Mary J. Getten, Marine Naturalist, Animal Communicato,
Author of Communicating with Orcas: The Whales’ Perspective

Your book has been a precious gift to my heart and whole being — a precious gift to humanity… touched the core of my being… an opportunity to heal, release and reconnect.

— Osher River Oriya, New Zealand

I wanted it to go on for another few hundred pages… I laughed and cried

— N.H., North Dakota

Reading just the first pages I started to cry deep happy tears… tears of love and joy and soulspirit and… my Heart has opened more and more and more… Thankyou thankyou thankyou! 

— P.K.dL.

While reading your book I experienced a loving energy pouring into my heart centre… Yesterday while reading I was taken into a meditative state… [Your book] has awakened me to my Dolphin heritage.

— RF, Australia

In Summary

Dolphin Love… From Sea to Land tells Shay’s true story of her 7-year journey with the dolphins and the Dolphin Consciousness.

In a remarkable close encounter with a wild spinner dolphin off the coast of Hawaii, Linda receives a profound spiritual initiation.

In the days and weeks following that magical dolphin encounter, Shay discovers that she has become a vehicle for the beautiful healing energy and unity consciousness of the dolphins. So begins a 7-year personal journey, guided by the love and wisdom of her dolphin friends, culminating in a  life-changing awakening.

This book was a labor of love, 12 years in the making. Read Dolphin Love and awaken to the healing and transformative gifts these extraordinary beings are offering to humanity.

Read Dolphin Love and awaken to the healing and transformative gifts these extraordinary beings have for humanity.

“A spellbinding adventure of personal growth and transformation…”

Paperback: 342 pages
Publisher: Dancing Seas Media (November 11, 2011)

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Message from Linda

This book is not meant to be a scientific examination of the dolphin species. There are many resources available out there that do a far better job at that than I ever could.

Rather, this is my personal spiritual adventure story — and my love story — with the dolphins. This is a true story. It takes place on land, in the sea, and in the realm of spirit… in other dimensions of reality.

I invite you to float through these pages with an open mind, a receptive heart and an adventurous spirit. Many of my readers have told me they received transmissions of dolphin energy while reading this book. This may happen for you too! Invite the dolphins to play with you. Open your heart and let them in… and then pay attention to your life. Since you were attracted to this book, I suspect your personal dolphin adventure story has already begun!

May this story inspire you on your own unique path upon planet Earth. Open your eyes, your heart and your mind and look around you. Who or what are your special teachers? Follow the beauty. Follow the magic. Follow your joy. In so doing, you’ll discover your own precious heart, your own true nature. And, in this, we will all find freedom. I know that to be the wish for all of humanity from our dolphin brothers and sisters.

It’s a joy and a privilege for me to be in service to my fellow humans and to this precious planet by bringing the gifts of the dolphins… from sea to land.

In Dolphin Love & Joy,