A Joyous Leap in Consciousness
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If you’ve already received your Dolphin Heart Opening, you can register for the full Dolphin Heart Experience.
What is it about the dolphins?
That lights us up and makes our hearts sing?
That makes us feel worthy and loved exactly as we are?
That opens us to new insights and possibilities?
That helps our hearts heal so we can live fuller, richer, and more connected lives?
Can dolphins help us become better humans?
I’m Linda Shay
Dolphin Ambassador
for Joyful Living
From what we’ve seen in ourselves — and in over a thousand beautiful awakening humans who have found their way to us to receive Dolphin’s gifts — that’s a big YES!
Throughout history, stories abound of people who have had life-transforming experiences after a brief encounter with dolphins.
Linda is one of those people. The Dolphin Heart Experience is a direct outcome of her 7-year awakening journey, guided and choreographed by the Dolphin Consciousness.
If just talking about dolphins has this effect on people, what more are they capable of?
— From the book
Dolphin Love…
From Sea to Land
by Linda Shay
The dolphins are where humanity is going.
We see them as our spiritual elders.
They see us as a young species in need of loving guidance, wisdom and support.
They are great teachers, allies and friends on our awakening journey.
It would be Dolphin’s greatest JOY to be in service to you in this life.
Dolphin is making a profound gift available to humanity.
This gift is one of the planetary keys to support humanity in making the shift away from a life based in struggle and fear…
… to a life based in love and joy…
… a society rooted in love, cooperation, joy and unity-community.
The Dolphin Heart Experience (DHX) is a new blueprint for humanity — a new spiritual path — created by Dolphin to accelerate the evolution of human consciousness.
DHX plants and nurtures the seeds of a new society on earth.
It’s about Love, Joy, Connection & Freedom.
A New Spiritual Path
Something we’ve learned in our journeys with Dolphin is that a complete spiritual path includes three elements: Grace, Mastery and Service.
Grace involves receiving a gift from a higher source. It’s not something you earn and it’s not something you work at. It’s a gift you’ve said Yes to — sometimes not consciously!
With Grace, your only job is to open and receive.
Mastery is about getting good at something — gradually increasing your skills through learning and practice. Grace can happen in an instant but Mastery takes time.
And Service, of course, is about expressing the Grace you’ve received and the Mastery you’ve achieved through giving to others.
Grace — The 7 Dolphin Attunements
The Dolphin Attunements are a series of seven sacred initiations delivered directly by the Dolphin Consciousness.
They take place at a level beyond human understanding… beyond what can be conceptualized or put into words.
The experience of the attunements — and the transformations they initiate in the lives of the people who receive them — are extraordinary.
Each Dolphin Attunement has its own essential nature and they must be received in order.
When you receive your 7th Dolphin Attunement, the merge of your human consciousness with an aspect of dolphin consciousness is complete.
You emerge a new being on earth, embodying a new quality of consciousness.
A Message from Archie
What we’re doing with the Dolphin Attunements is accelerating the evolution of human consciousness.
One of the things the attunements do is they bring you to a place that humans would have reached anyway, in a few million years, if the species managed to survive that long.
The attunements bring an enormous change.
It is a permanent change in the direction of greater freedom. That is a key aspect of the part of our consciousness we are sharing with you.
You will still be you.
You will be an expanded version of you. There will be new qualities and new possibilities and new awarenesses.
Humanity is going through a key step in evolution. As a species, your technology is expanding much faster than your wisdom.
This is a part of our goal — for humans to heal and reconnect to their hearts and begin making wiser choices as a species so that we can all share this beautiful planet in loving and productive ways.
Painting of Archie by Bonnie Blue, healingdolphins.com
A Message from Archie
What we’re doing with the Dolphin Attunements is accelerating the evolution of human consciousness.
One of the things the attunements do is they bring you to a place that humans would have reached anyway, in a few million years, if the species managed to survive that long.
The attunements bring an enormous change. It is a permanent change in the direction of greater freedom. That is a key aspect of the part of our consciousness we are sharing with you.
You will still be you.
You will be an expanded version of you. There will be new qualities and new possibilities and new awarenesses.
Humanity is going through a key step in evolution. As a species, your technology is expanding much faster than your wisdom.
This is a part of our goal — for humans to heal and reconnect to their hearts and begin making wiser choices as a species so that we can all share this beautiful planet in loving and productive ways.
Painting of Archie by Bonnie Blue healingdolphins.com
Mastery — The Dolphin Living Skills
Linda wrote this about her first experiences swimming with Hawaiian spinner dolphins:
From the moment of birth, these dolphins remain together as an extended family every day of their lives.
They live together, love together, play together, hunt together, sleep together and meditate together. They do everything together! And they truly enjoy each other’s company.
As I watch them swim together, I see only love being expressed. They love one another so much!
I watch as two youngsters swim along the periphery of the pod, connecting dorsal fins, as if they’re holding hands. I watch as they gently bump up against each other, nuzzle each other and glide against each other.
They love to give pleasure to one another.
I watch the babies suckle as they swim and play and test their boundaries, while mamas and aunties keep constant vigil, reining them in when necessary to teach them and to keep them safe.
I watch them make love. Their lovemaking is a natural expression of the love they feel for the other…
it overflows and they have to express it.
It’s beautiful.
It’s natural.
It’s joyful.
There is no shame there.
If everyone on this planet had the opportunity to witness what I’ve witnessed over the course of these three days, this planet would be a very different place.
Excerpt from Dolphin Love… From Sea to Land by Linda Shay
The Dolphin Attunements are About…
Transcendence and Freedom
The Dolphin Living Skills are about… our Humanity.
As we gradually master these skills, we become better able to embody and express this transcendence and freedom in our daily lives.
Dolphins on earth model a way of living and being that reflects our truest natural state… a state of love… a state of Unity-Community.
Dolphins are a non-human intelligence and presence on earth. They aren’t bound by the social constructs, religious dogmas, political chaos, rampant judgment and limiting beliefs we humans are subject to.
Dolphins live at a level of connection and freedom most of us humans can’t imagine. They want that for us too. They’re demonstrating what’s possible for us as a global human family.
They’re inviting us to rise up, together, to change our world.
The Dolphin Heart Experience is…
… a living laboratory in which we explore and discover ways to implement these new ways of being, within ourselves and with each other.
With Dolphin as our spiritual teachers and guides, we free ourselves from self-doubt, self-judgment, and dependence on the outside world to validate our value and worth.
We return home to our true selves, our true nature.
We reconnect with nature and the world without fear, from our hearts.
The Dolphin Living Skills curriculum has been developed, with the guidance of Dolphin, to address the challenges and opportunities our podmates face as they re-create their lives and relationships in the context of the new paradigm the attunements bring to us.
Throughout this training, you’re immersed in Dolphin love and pod mind consciousness.
You learn to:
Let go, let go, let go of all that no longer serves you, so that you can open to new — higher — ways of living and being.
Honor and welcome All that Is into your heart without fear, acting on the higher truth that you are a microcosm of the macrocosm. Everything is inside of you. What do you choose to bring to the surface?
Be fully in your body and live from your heart.
Connect deeply with others while staying connected to yourself, so you no longer lose yourself in your relationships.
Be fully present in this eternal NOW moment.
Practice honesty and authenticity by taking risks and speaking your truth. We call this fierce self-love. We celebrate these pivotal moments enthusiastically!
Safety is not the absence of threat;
it’s the presence of connection.
— Gabor Mate
DHX is a safe space in which you can step fully into your strength and power.
It’s safe to be seen, received and celebrated here, while standing in your new state of aliveness.
You may find that your psychic barriers to love and life that kept you in separation dissolve away.
Real Love can now enter in.
Only then can we experience Unity-Community.
This is Joy.
This is Freedom.
Our human hearts heal and our lives transform, as never before.
And we play!
Play is an essential Dolphin Living Skill. The dolphins teach their young and us humans through play.
Play is hugely transformative!
The Dolphin Living Skills lead to authenticity — the ability to walk our talk.
You become a living, breathing embodiment and beacon of Love, Light, Inspiration and Joy in your world.
There is no greater gift!
Service — Dolphin Energy Healing Training
The Dolphin Heart Experience includes an optional training module: Introduction to Dolphin Energy Healing. Full certification as a Dolphin Energy Practitioner will be available for an additional fee.
Humanity is more ready and able than ever before to learn about — and receive — Dolphin Energy Healing.
Archie has told us that about 70 years ago, the Dolphin Consciousness initiated a project on Earth: To heal the hearts of humanity — all of humanity.
To accomplish this, they need lots of Dolphin Energy Healers sharing Dolphin’s healing Love and transformative Joy with our fellow humans.
Dolphin Energy Healing is magical.
If you’re already an energy healer, Dolphin Energy Healing is a wonderful new modality to add to your practice. Dolphins play well with others!
Dolphin Heart Experience Program Details
DHX is a 7-month online program.
Each month you’ll receive:
Your Next Dolphin Attunement
There are 7 Dolphin Attunements. They must be received live, and they must be received in sequence.
Dolphin Living Skills Training
Experiential in nature, these pre-recorded training videos and accompanying short lessons can be completed in your own timing.
Two Dolphin Living Skills Lab Sessions
Linda and David lead these experiential sessions together. In these labs, you’ll have dedicated time to practice each month’s Dolphin Living Skills with your podmates and receive Linda and David’s skillful coaching.
Bring your current life challenges into these calls and learn how to navigate and master them by applying these skills!
Dolphin Energy Healing Circle*
Led by Linda.
Group Archie Channeling*
Channeled by David.
Created by Linda to ground and center you in the specific Living Skill we focus on each month. These will be pre-recorded and available to you in our learning platform whenever you have time to meditate.
Short and Sweet Daily Practices
To reinforce each month’s Dolphin Living Skills. You can do these on your own or with a partner.
Private, Non-Facebook Community
A safe space to share about your journey and connect with your podmates and with us. You can share with the whole pod, and others can comment and interact. You can also send and receive private messages with individual podmates.
*These two live group events will alternate months — each month we’ill have either a Healing Circle or an Archie channeling.
What is the Dolphin Heart Opening?
The first step of the Dolphin Heart Experience, and the first month of the program, is the Dolphin Heart Opening. DHO is your introductory taste of DHX. This is a stand-alone introductory program. You can sign up for it and experience it fully, with no commitment to continue on.
There’s no way we can fully or accurately communicate in words what a Dolphin Attunement is or what the Dolphin Living Skills are. If you’re curious and you’re feeling called to explore your Dolphin connection more deeply, the Dolphin Heart Opening is for you, so you can have a direct experience of these Dolphin gifts and teachings.
All of the elements of the larger Dolphin Heart Experience program are contained in the Dolphin Heart Opening
As your Dolphin Heart Opening experience nears completion, we’ll invite you to continue on and commit to receiving the full Dolphin Heart Experience: 6 more Dolphin Attunements and 6 more months of Dolphin Living Skills trainings, Labs, Healing sessions and Archie channelings, guided meditations and ongoing connection in our online community.
Sharing the love
Excerpts from emails after podmates received their upgraded and expanded 1st Dolphin Attunement.
After every lab, I’m so much calmer and quieter inside my body. I can go back out in the world now. I’m ready to go back out there and live my life.
— Patti Kessler, Energy Healer
I feel loved and accepted. The energy in my heart is beaming strong. The self-love and self-acceptance is just amazing.
— Iris Harrell, Ed.S, LPC, NCC
You and the dolphins are working wonders. I’m getting more bold. Thank you for this special journey. My soul needs it.
— Carole de Lacy, Energy Healer