Click for “Calling in Your Inner Dolphin” Free Gift

1st Dolphin Attunement Signup Form

1st Dolphin Attunements are usually scheduled on Saturdays. We ask that you register for your 1st Dolphin Attunement by the Wednesday before the Saturday when that transmission takes place, so we’ll have time to get the preparation materials to you before the transmission. (Although we’ve been known to bend this rule for enthusiastic last-minute dolphin podmates 🙂 )

Sign Up for Your 1st Dolphin Attunement

Step 1: Submit Payment


We accept payment by PayPal. If that doesn’t work for you, call us to make another arrangement: 855-DLFNLUV (855-353-6588).

Step 2: Complete this Form

Alternate Name
Best number if we need to contact you
If a referral, please tell us who so we can thank them.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Step 3: Prepare for Your 1st Dolphin Attunement!

Once we’ve received your payment, you’ll receive a series of emails with all the information you need to prepare for your 1st Dolphin Attunement. The first one will include download instructions for the Opening to Dolphin Energy MP3 files — our free gift to you! We recommend you listen to these meditations regularly in the days leading up to your Attunement.

Thank you for diving into the Dolphin Attunement Journey with us! We’re looking forward to connecting with you on First Attunement Day!

Welcome to the Pod!